Studies of tax reduction legal possibilities and guidance of your invoice issuance.
We also carry out tax calculations and preparation of fiscal obligations applicable to your business.
Routine activities
- Ascertainment of indirect taxes (IPI, PIS, COFINS, ICMS and ISS) and profit taxes (IRPJ and CSLL).
- Preparation of monthly ancillary obligations:
- DCTF (Declaration of Debts and Federal Tax Credits)
- EFD Contributions (Digital Tax Bookkeeping for PIS and COFINS)
- EFD Fiscal (Digital Tax Bookkeeping for ICMS and IPI)
- GIA (Tax Bookkeeping for ICMS and IPI)
- Preparation of annual and semiannual ancillary obligations:
- DIRF (Income Tax Return Withholding)
- DECLAN-IPM (Tax Bookkeeping for ICMS and ISS)
- DUB-ICMS (Tax Bookkeeping for ICMS)
- ECF (Tax Accounting Bookkeeping for IRPJ and CSLL)
- Declarations Federal ancillary obligations, such as DEREX and DIMOB
- Tax documents assessment
Specific activities (on demand):
- Assitance and tax advice and its dismemberment, aimed at the daily operations of the companies and / or tax planning for new operations / activities, in order to indicate the best practices and in compliance with the current legislation.
- Elaboration of several tax related handouts to the fiscal authorities.
- Tax Review.
- Fiscal actions support
- Preparation and conduction of consultation procedures, special regime, restitution and compensation.
- Analysis and composition of federal credits.
- Elaboration of Requests for Restitution, Reimbursement and Compensation of federal taxes.
- Fiscal situation monitoring and keeping the Joint Clearance Certificate regular
- Administrative processes follow-up
- Federal Revenue regularization of debts.