Responsible for orientation and compliance of rights and dutties under brazilian labour law.
Essential for any company that wants to avoid damages for both the employer and its employees.
Main activities
- Registration of hired professionals.
- Payroll: processing of receipts, including self-employed, pro-labore and trainees.
- Calculation and preparation of payment slips.
- eSocial - Digital Bookkeeping System for Tax, Social Security and Labor Obligations.
- EFD REINF - Digital Tax Bookkeeping of Withholdings and Information on Social Security Contribution Replaced.
- Elaboration and production of reports for the Ministry of Labor.
- Elaboration of annual ancillary obligations, such as DIRF, RAIS and Income Reports.
- Elaboration of vacation concession maps
- Agreements, Conventions and Collective Bargaining Agreements follow-ups
- Benefits Administration
- Elaboration of rescissions, voluntary dismissal plans and homologations.
- E-Social of employees.
- E-Social Event Generation (45 files - 2736 fields)
- Submission of XML files from eSocial to IRS.
- Requests for restitution of INSS (PER / DCOMP).
- Generation of accounting file
- Electronic clocking-on implementation, reporting and exporting to the payroll.